Freedom In Christ Encounter Conference

During the “Freedom in Christ Encounter” conference, there will be more than just teaching. Everyone will have the opportunity to experience the power of God through deliverance, physical healing, emotional healing, and salvations. There are times when physical and/or emotional struggles are caused by demonic presence. Because Jesus lived, died, and rose again, we have access to healing and wholeness for the mind, body, and spirit. God’s goal is to see His children healed and set free (John 8:36). To be FREE and stay FREE, God wants to equip (Ephesians 4:12; Hebrews 13:21) each of us, so when Satan tries to destroy our lives and our families, we can stand our ground and stay free. If you are struggling desperately to be free from oppression in your life or trying to understand why your miracle has not happened and need direction to help you hold on to your faith, then do not miss this conference.

I look forward to seeing everyone at a conference in your area. The conference involves three sessions and includes a workbook, to work through. 

In addition to the three sessions, the hosting church may also choose to include a special service on Saturday evening, or done as a two-part message on a Sunday morning and Sunday evening. This teaching is free and open to everyone, called “Why hasn’t my miracle happened yet?” The response has been over half those present coming forward for a special touch from God. Their hope is renewed, and they have better clarity of what they are asking God for to meet their need.

Discover the answer to these questions:

• Why hasn’t your miracle happened yet?
• What do you need to do for your miracle to happen?
• How do you hold on to your faith to walk out your miracle?

At the end there will be a time for signs, wonders, and miracles. If you are struggling to be free from oppression or need help to hold on to see your miracle manifest, then do not miss this conference.

Come expecting your miracle! 

Freedom in Christ Encounter
Jesus is in the business of breaking chains

Freedom In Christ Encounter

Our next event is coming soon!  Save these dates and plan to attend.


To be announced

DATE: To be announced

Fri. Evening,  7:00pm-9:30pm
Sat. Morning, 9am-noon
         (Lunch is Provided)
Sat. Afternoon, 1:00pm-4:00pm

Special Service - "Why Hasn't My
Miracle Happened Yet" : 

Sat. Evening, 7:00pm-9:30pm


Link to be announced

“For We Wrestle Not Against Flesh & Blood”

The workbook will be the base line of the teaching used in the conference and we will cover over 140 Scriptures. Just knowing the Scriptures is not the whole picture, there is so much more in how the Scriptures fit together and the power you will have through the fullness of His Word, to overcome Satan. Have you or someone close to you chosen the wrong path and you want to be free? Join Tim Rudd, M. Div. and gain a deeper understanding of how the devil works to destroy lives. Learn about tactics the devil uses to entice us into sin and how to get free. Come experience the power of God that Jesus Christ paid for each of us to live our lives at peace and know our purpose in life.

Table of Contents

First Session
- Pages Opening Comments
- Understanding Your Authority in Christ 

Second Session
- Understanding a Person’s mental condition
- Discovering Demonic Presences

Third Session
- Deliverance
- Ongoing Freedom is God’s Real Goal
- Closing Thoughts
- Limitation of Use

For information on upcoming seminars see our Facebook Page.

       Testimonials From Our Conference Attendees

    " It taught me a lot AND gave me more peace about myself as I still sometimes struggle with wondering if my deliverance was real when old struggles rise up.  I feel so much more confident in God's love for me and understanding of how this stuff works.  some of it was completely contrary to what I'd been taught up to this point but once you said it, it made absolute sense.  So I'm going through those notes and passing the information on to others."

"I have learned a lot & I'm so glad I came."

"Awesome!  People need to understand their worth and you expound on our value in God's eyes."

"Enjoyed the teaching on the authority that God gives us."

"I truly recommend this teaching.  Pastor Tim has had a great impact on my life..."

"...Thank you for giving us God's word and teaching me of my authority as God's child."

"This course will help me walk in the path set before me."

"I think the Lord wanted us to have a reinforcement  in this matter as we are about to be sent to another city.  Thank you for your teaching and insight. " ...

"When this conference was 1st announced, I knew I needed & wanted to come.  But as time went by, I started telling myself I didn't need to go, and as I kept telling myself 'don't go', the Holy Spirit was saying 'you need to go'.  So I 'got over myself' at the last minute & came.  And thankful I did.  Very good conference, lots of excellent material covered here & I highly recommend this to everyone." ...

       Understanding Demonic Influence
                 The Misconceptions about Freedom

When I was first saved in 1988 my first church was a church of about 300 members. I was unemployed and looking for work every day. I wanted to be around the church all the time, so each day when I was done looking for a job I went to the church. This church was big on deliverance to the point they had a ministry team on staff that did deliverance most weekdays. After I had been there 3 or 4 weeks the team got to know me and saw my hunger for God, so they invited me to join them for a deliverance. A new believer should never be allowed to be on a deliverance team until they are well grounded in the Word and have learned to hear God’s voice and direction. I had no idea of the journey God intended for my life.

I noticed that each person that came in for deliverance had their head down and suffered great depression. I observed them through the interview and assessment period. Once the team had finished asking their questions, they asked the person to sit outside the room for a little while so they could discuss the person’s responses and determine how they wanted to proceed.

Then they asked the person to come back in the room and what happened over the next 30 minutes to an hour was the deliverance team helped the person identify the areas the evil spirits had caused them to sin and lead them through repenting for those sins. The person would renounce the evil spirits and then the deliverance team prayed for the person and commanded all the evil spirits to leave. They spoke specifically to the main ones and then in more general terms the minor ones that were only there because of the main ones. To my amazement when they were done the person’s head was lifted and they had a big smile on their faces. It was like I saw a renewed hope had entered them again. The truth was that the hope was always there, but the oppression made it difficult to see or feel God’s presence. It was at that moment; my heart was broken for people who struggled with oppression, and I asked God to allow me to be part of the deliverance process for the rest of my life.

God directed me to watch some of those people who had been delivered in church each week without them knowing. My shock was after a few weeks I noticed a large part of those people, who had been set free, walk into church with their heads hung down again and they were back in the same condition as before they came in for deliverance to be set free. I asked God why this happened, and His answer was the deliverance team had the wrong goal. The deliverance team’s goal was to get people free from demonic oppression. God said, His goal was for people to be set free from demonic oppression and live the rest of their lives with ongoing freedom.

Many people think getting a person free from demonic control is the end goal. Satan is happy if you’ve work with that understanding. People doing deliverance, work on the assumption that if they speak in the Name of Jesus Christ and command the evil spirits to come out of the person it must come out, assuming the person real wants to be free. They often quote John 8:36 which says, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” Therein lies the real problem. It is true that when a believer speaks in the Name of Jesus Christ and command the evil spirits to come out that the evil spirits must leave. The problem is when the ministry team’s main goal is to see the person set free from demonic oppression, they are really setting that person up to fail and fall back under Satan’s control. Satan knows how to get back in that person’s life. Then he presses in so that the person feels like they will never be free from him again, causing them to stop trying to get free and their hope is severely damaged. This is what torment really looks like. You have not finished the work that John 8:36 is speaking of, until you help the person understand how the evil spirits gained access into their life and which Scriptures and spiritual alertness, they will need to keep the evil spirits from getting back into their life.

Luke 11:24-26 says, “When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left. When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first.” So, there is a gap between setting a person free and their ongoing freedom. One of the most important truths of the Bible is the word “discernment” which means a person must use the right Scripture (quoting or paraphrase if they know the true application of that Scripture) when including the Name of Jesus Christ.

The answer to the gap is the person doing the deliverance must listen to the Holy Spirit while talking to the person and find out what evil spirits are there and their assignments in that person’s life. The open doors for evil spirits to get in are often attached to events, peer pressure or horrific moments whether it is physical, mental, or emotional, in that person’s life. Add to that “reality” is not always the basis they operate on because often a person’s perception of themselves or how they think others see them could be misinterpreted. In addition, the person may feel no one loves them which develops the mindset they are unlovable causing the person to rethink their value or worth in life. People’s perceptions can take many twists and turns, so the possibilities are endless. Take your time God will guide you to help the person.

Almost everyone who has an evil spirit will have additional evil spirits controlling additional areas of that person’s life. Notice how the evil spirit decided to take 7 additional evil spirits worse than itself in with him? There is strength and safety in numbers. The evil spirits in a person’s life will cause confusion and make it difficult to determine who is who. Fact, when the person doing the deliverance find multiple evil spirits, the deliverer will always find one of them is the controlling spirit and all the other evil spirits are in that person’s life because the controlling spirit help them gain access, “…My name is Legion, because there are many of us inside this man…” Mark 5:9. Most of the time the evil spirits that manifest so you can tell they are there are not the controlling spirit. The controlling spirit is quiet and, in the background, but always in control. The controlling spirit does not want you to determine who they are and what their assignment is in that person’s life. The controlling spirit can help any one of the other evil spirits that are made to leave the person, to get back in later. That is why it is important that you get all of them out the first time.

Consider the words “...finds the house swept clean and put in order…” meaning that all the evil spirits are out of that person’s life. The person needs to know how the evil spirits got in, meaning whatever path they used to gain access. The phrase “swept clean” also means empty and unguarded. The only real guard to keep evil spirits out of a person’s life is the Word of God. Jesus used the Word of God to fight off the temptations in Matthew 4. The part we might not have pick up on is Jesus had to know the Word of God and which Scriptures where the right application of Scripture to overcome each temptation. One Scripture might not get the job done, Jesus used three different Scriptures to finally rebuke Satan and make him leave.

Another gap in our understanding is realizing the condition the person comes in. A deliverer will always find guilt, shame, unworthiness and unforgivable clustered together to beat the person down causing depression. You will find unworthiness is always attached to pornography or any other sexual sin, because they do not value their own body. This is the person’s reasoning and why they do not feel they can be helped, or they are unredeemable, so why would God want them anymore.

The deliverer must help the person see that another source of controlling power causes them to sin. Once the evil spirits are gone the person can begin to believe they are redeemable, and God loves them. We all know God loves us no matter what condition we come to Him. Romans 5:8 says, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” So, the goal as a deliverer is to reassure the person that God loves them, and they are redeemable. 

They are now ready to receive the last part needed for their recovery. Knowing the right Scripture’s will protect them and open the door for them to reach a deeper relationship with God through Jesus Christ. The person’s hope will become stronger in their life, and they are on the right track to experience real peace. Something a person under Dominic Influence hasn’t felt peace for a long time. Philippians 4:7 describes that peace the best, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Now they are prepared when evil spirits come back, and they feel strong enough to rebuke them using Scripture while knowing the Holy Spirit will be there to enforce God’s Word. They will be able to stand their ground while God’s Holy Spirit watches over them. So, the truth is God’s real goal is not just getting a person free from demonic oppression but living a life of ongoing freedom and peace for the rest of their lives.